Photo Courtesy of Fotogra Fierende for Pexels
It’s easy to let your “high vibration” slip away from you, especially during the winter, when the days are shorter, colder, and darker. If you’re ready to raise your vibration, follow some of these tips and tricks, and you’ll notice quickly how much better you start feeling.
When you are vibrating at a high level, you feel it. You feel light, and almost like you’re floating on a cloud. On the other side of the coin, when you’re vibrating at a lower vibration, you know, and you won’t like the way that it feels at all. It will feel heavy, you’ll feel stuck, and confused.
1. Practice Gratitude
Practicing gratitude is one of the simplest and quickest ways to raise your vibration. When you’re focused on the amazing things you have in your life and the gratefulness you feel to have them in your life, you’re not focused on thoughts that cause you to feel lower vibrational. Practice gratitude in whatever way works for you. If you’re a journal writer, write it out in your journal every day. If you’re a more physical person, take a walk where what you’re grateful for is your main focus.
2. Meditation
Meditation and breathwork are some of the most important ways to raise your vibration. Even if you’re someone who has trouble sitting still for a long time and meditating, turn on some meditation tones while you sleep. It’s a great way to raise your vibration, and it really won’t feel like you’re doing anything out of the ordinary from your typical day.
3. Forgive People
If you’re being weighed down in a lower vibration due to bad experiences or people who have hurt you, work on forgiving them, even if they don’t apologize. It’s not an easy process, but it will be worth it in the long run. Find a method that works for you. Whether that’s simply journaling all of your thoughts and emotions, or talking it through with a friend or therapist, finding a way to forgive them will set you free.
4. Eat Fresh Food
Include more fresh foods in your diet. It seems so simple, but consuming fresh, clean foods that don’t come from a package or plastic will give you life and raise your vibration. The more processed that your food is (including the meat), the more it is bringing you down vibrationally.
5. Consume High-Vibe Media
One of the worst triggers for me personally is when I start consuming media that isn’t high-vibe. If I’m watching YouTube videos or TV shows that bring other people down, I start to notice that it brings my vibration down as well. Listen to podcasts and watch YouTube videos of people who are spiritually-focused to help raise your vibration.
5. Get Outside
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing or what time of the year it is. If you can find some time to get outside, you’ll feel your vibration rise almost instantaneously. Even if you just go to a park and sit at a bench, you’ll be helping your vibration.
Raising your vibration seems like a big, looming, difficult thing when you’re low, but by just making a few simple changes, you’ll start to feel better and higher-vibe.