Agate is one of the most common crystals is for cleaning the kidneys and liver. Agate is one of the most effective healing crystals. These crystals function by increasing the energy frequency in your cells to naturally heal and rejuvenate. Aventurine will help you lose weight. Amethyst helps with fear, chronic pain and other ailments. These crystals boost your wellbeing in several ways.
When feeling low in energy I recommend connecting with Citrine and raising your energy levels, mood, and mindset. You will be more proactive and confident in your mindset. For crystals to function in your favour it is important to connect with them and keep yourself aware of what is going on with your life, what can be changed or done differently, and soon you will be a success, healthy and loved.
If you purchased a crystal online, wash it first and let it dry naturally in sunlight. Hold it in your hand to sense the energy, talk to it, meditate, etc. To better cure yourself place crystals on your body in the areas you need healing or place them under your mattress to balance your energies through the night.
Photo Courtesy of Anna Tarazevich for Pexels